Attack types
There are three types of attack types; stamina draining types stamina absorbing types and max-out types. when working with attack types its important to remember that max-out types are typically based on chance and don't always yield consistent results.
Stamina Draining Types
These blades have large amounts of stamina, for attack types, and don't rely heavily on max outs. They require stamina wheels and moderately low tracks, preferably with wind manipulation, and bottoms with low friction but enough to keep moving. An example of this would be killer gemios wing105 metal flat. However for higher stamina levels the burn wheel is a good choice. The purpose of a drainer is to spin around the stadium until the opponents stamina is at a weaker point then slowly eat away at their remaining stamina. This form of attack is designed to defeat defense types especially rubber defenders.
Stamina Absorbing Types
This category only applies to left spin attack types, which mainly means L drago, and possibly gravity Perseus. Their isn't much to this category since lightning L drago is the perfect absorber type so far and it remains relatively unmatched at it. Absorbers drain their opponents stamina and add it to their own. These attack types can easily defeat stamina types, and defense types usually by "dis-balancing" them and then slamming them into the wall while increasing their own stamina.
Max-out Types (stadium out)
This is the least reliable form of attack types but there are several good combinations. to create a good max out type you need several things. First is a high friction bottom because without it the beyblade is practically useless. Next a moderately low track you don't want to use the 85 track because that is a little too low and might cause the wheel to scrape the stadium, the lowest you want to go is 105 maybe 90 if you need to increase speed. the last thing you need is a wheel with high recoil and several large contact points, these are wheels like gravity variares etc wheels like screw and galaxy are good too though. The clear wheel and face doesn't really matter for this type of attack just choose whatever one you like. Although attack is considered one of the weaker types they can be the most fun to battle with. A wheel that has been over looked as a great max out wheel is the omega wheel which with the right combination has the ability to max out phantom orion.