Stamina Types
Stamina is the most consistent type to use. In fact you can usually tell the outcome of the battle before the blades are launched. For this reason stamina is one of the most powerful types, and there are many different bottoms that can be used to increase stamina.
The most important thing you need to remember is that a bottom or performance tip can be the difference between victory and defeat when it comes to stamina. Originally, the tips with the most stamina were flat sharp and metal sharp. The reason for this was that they both had the lowest friction with the ground but in battle metal sharp is completely useless due to the fact that it has no means of regaining its balance once it is lost especially when it battles other stamina types. Flat sharp’s problem comes from the flat part of the tip. It can waste some of its stamina running around the stadium. This isn't necessarily a bad thing but when your only hope of victory is to squeeze every last rotation out of your blade as possible this can waste some of it. For those reasons these two parts have been out classed by tips like defense sharp, sharp wide defense and so on.
Eternal sharp can’t be used to make great stamina types for a few reasons, one being that its stamina is acceptable but not exceptional. It is also too tall to regain its balance when knocked over continuously. Eternal defense sharp is the best eternal tip you can get since it has the sharp tip held in place so that it doesn't rattle like the other eternal tips.
Bearing drive is a must for all stamina bladers; it alone solves all the problems that stamina types usually suffer from. Balance is no problem for bearing drive because even when its rotation gets unbalanced its wide-defense-like bottom stops and the ball bearings reduce the friction of the bearing inside allowing the blade to continue spinning for an extended time without running around the stamina. an important fact to remember about bearing drive is that it isn't some miracle stamina bottom. It can only reduce the wheels friction with the ground. This means it cant add large amounts of stamina to just any wheel an example would be the duo wheel which has less stamina with bearing drive than it does with flat sharp.
As for wheels and tracks there are few things that work. Stamina is a continuous upgrade type. You have to constantly find out what is new and better, which means you have to spend a lot of money. but generally you can tell what wheel is good just by looking at it. Good stamina wheels have a lot of centrifugal force this means two large places of weight distribution, any more would render its centrifugal force useless. Blades that have three points of weight distribution like the hell wheel and nightmare wheel have set stamina levels that are around 2 minutes and can’t get there stamina past this without wasting good parts for small increases in stamina. Good stamina tracks are usually short but high enough to keep the wheel from scraping the stadium floor. Low tracks are wasted on attack types because the lower the center of gravity the higher the stamina the blade will have assuming that the blade has good centrifugal force.